Disciple Maker Index Survey
The Disciple Maker Index Survey is now live. Please go to https://portal.catholicleaders.org/dmi/survey/x80156 to complete this survey regarding our parish. Paper copies are also available in the Narthex, if needed. Please return paper copies to the church office as soon as you are able!
Children’s Choir
The children’s choir will sing at the 10:00 am Easter Mass on 4/20/2025.
Rehearsals will be held 3/16, 3/30, and 4/6 following 10:00 am Mass.
(Please plan to attend at least 2 rehearsals if participating.)
Sign up here if interested!
Sensory-Friendly Mass
Are you interested in being a catechist or aide for the 2025-2026 PREP year? Please contact Linda Riofski at 610-268-5120 or dre@saintgabrielparish.org to begin the process to obtain your clearances.
On January 5th, Archbishop Perez shared his Pastoral Letter. This letter outlines his hopes for the Church in Philadelphia over the coming years. He invites each of us to read and reflect upon this letter which you can find here.
In following up to this letter, he has asked all parishes to host a TOWN HALL MEETING on pastoral planning for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. A facilitator from Catholic Leadership Institute will lead us in this meeting, which is scheduled for Sunday, April 27th from 1:00-3:00pm in the main church. All parishioners are encouraged to attend, especially ministry leaders.
In addition to the Town Hall Meeting, all parishes have been asked to participate in the Disciple Maker Index (DMI). This is familiar to Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother parishioners as we have participated in this survey a few years ago. It has helped us in the development of our pastoral planning. This survey will be open from March 5- April 10. You will see more about this in the coming weeks and I will ask your assistance in encouraging our ministry groups to participate.