Altar Servers
Training: Fr. Anthony
Scheduling: Amanda Gannon
The role of an altar server is to assist the priest presider at Mass. They assist by carrying the processional crucifix or candles, holding the Roman Missal, and by bringing the chalice and other items to the altar. An altar server is a registered member of the Parish, boy or girl, in fourth grade or above in any school, and who has received First Holy Communion. Girls and boys need their parents’ permission and cooperation, and a teacher’s or catechist’s recommendation. Training is usually conducted during February, March, or April.
Altar Linens, Vesture Caretakers
Linda Pastore & Patsy Vanderkraats
Parishioners in this ministry help launder or arrange dry-cleaning for Mass linens, altar cloths, and presider vestments. This is usually an unseen but very important and appreciated service.
Baptismal Garment Makers
Sue Ceccarelli
Volunteers in this ministry provide and decorate the white garment presented to babies and children at baptism. This is another important and appreciated service.
Music Director
Mudite Pizzini
Leading and supporting the sung praise of the Lord at our liturgies is very important. Organists provide the needed accompaniment. Cantors support the assembly’s singing as does the choir. Cantors and choir members are provided with on-going training. They do not need exceptional talent, but a rather a desire to help all praise the Lord in sacred song. Cantors are needed for three weekend Masses. The choir sings once a month except during the summer. This ministry is open to men, women, older children, and teenagers, who are registered members of the parish and in good standing and practicing our Catholic faith. Non-parishioners are welcome with the knowledge and permission of their proper pastor.
Contemporary Music Ensemble
Val Schan
This liturgical music group features guitarists as well as vocalists. The ensemble leads our sung worship once a month. They are an important part of our liturgical praise of the Lord. (see the above description applicable to all liturgical music ministers)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Fr. Anthony & Fred Marenco
This important ministry assists in distributing Holy Communion at all our Masses, including weekday Masses. Ministers may also bring the Eucharist to shut-ins within our parish boundaries.
Ministers should be registered parishioners, who have finished high school, fully initiated into our faith,
in good standing and practicing the faith. Ministers must receive appointment to this ministry from our
Archbishop, which is granted at the request of the pastor.
Rosary Group
Father Anthony
This prayer group meets at 8:30 am before daily Mass Monday through Thursday in the Church. All are invited to join in this very special prayer.
Hospitality Ministers
Bill Brown
These ministers help with seating worshipers, directing the Communion and other processions, taking up collections, organizing the presentation of the bread, wine, and sacrificial offerings. They also distribute the Sunday parish bulletin after Mass.
Daily Mass Coordinator
Silvia Lawrence
Daily Mass worshipers bring up the bread and wine. Usually the ones who request a special Mass intention for a deceased person are invited to do this. Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion also serve at daily Mass.
Fred Marenco
This is another important ministry: proclaiming the Word of God at Mass, at all weekend as well as at weekday Masses. Lectors should be registered members of our parish, in good standing, practicing the faith. Men, women, and high school boys and girls are eligible for this ministry. Training is provided.
Kathleen Basciani & Bill Brown
This group keeps our Church, Baptistery, Office wing, and rest rooms neat and clean. Some also help decorate by procuring and arranging floral pieces. Members usually come every Saturday throughout the year at 9:30 a.m. and other times as needed. The good physical order of our Church is not always noticed unless it is neglected. This group makes sure our worship space is always presentable for the greater glory of God and for our worshippers.
Liturgical Ministers Scheduling
Linda Riofski, Amanda Gannon, and Mudite Pizzini
This ministry makes sure our liturgies are well staffed and ministers notified in a timely fashion.
Monthly Socials – Temporarily Suspended due to COVID19
Debra Bertz
Parishioners volunteer to provide donuts or other pastry and juice for an after Mass time of refreshment and fellowship. This is usually held once a month on the second Sunday after the 9:30 a.m. Mass and on some other occasions. The parish provides coffee, cups, napkins, et. al.
Spaghetti Dinner, Socials & Events
Silvia Lawrence & Marie Friedman
This event is usually held annually on the last Sunday of February. It is the longest running of our social events and a wonderful community builder. Many volunteers are needed as cooks, servers, dessert providers, set-up, take-down, clean-up crew etc.
Mrs. Linda Riofski
Special Needs program Linda Riofski & Rosanne Keane
Our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) provides catechesis, i.e. religious instruction and formation to all children in grades 1 through 8. On staff is a full time Director who is employed by the Parish. We also rely upon volunteer catechists and aides, who are given proper training. Sessions are conducted on Mondays from September through April. The program also provides preparation for all parish children and their parents to experience a fruitful reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation,
Eucharist, and Confirmation. Our program has its own handbook for catechists and aides, as well as one for parents.
Catholic Schooling
Fr. Anthony
Since we do not have our own full-time school, some parish families send their elementary age children to neighboring parishes which do have a school. Presently almost all of these children are enrolled at Assumption, B.V.M. School, West Grove. The Pastor and DRE visit the children there regularly. The Parish provides a subsidy to the School for children of supportive parish families. Some of our Parish children attend Bishop Shanahan High School in Downingtown. The Parish is assessed by the Archdiocese for the support of Archdiocesan Schools. Some children also attend Catholic high schools in nearby Delaware.
R.C.I.A. Team
Fr. Anthony & Linda Riofski
This process offers catechesis to adult non-Catholics who wish to embrace our faith. It provides the necessary religious instruction and formation for inquirers. A component of this process includes liturgical rites of welcome and celebration, hence the name Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The process usually begins in early October and continues through Pentecost, meeting on Tuesday evenings.
Adult Religious Education
Mrs. Linda Riofski
This ministry offers programs for adult Catholics who wish to deepen their understanding and appreciation for the rich teachings and traditions of our faith, including programs of Scripture study.
Sunday Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Mrs. Linda Riofski
This ministry offers children an opportunity to hear and understand God’s holy Word during Mass apart from the fuller congregation. Volunteer catechists lead the group, which meets every Sunday during the 9:30 a.m. Mass.
Communications (IT)
Andrew Friedman, Chris & Dena Killian
Please contact Andrew Friedman for information on the website and Chris and Dena Killian for information on the Facebook page. The weekly Parish Bulletin is composed by the Parish Staff. Notices for possible publication should be presented a week beforehand. The Parish has an outdoor sign with spiritual and inspirational messages. Suggestions are welcome.
Ministry to the Sick/Homebound
Fr. Anthony
The Pastor calls regularly upon the sick and homebound upon request, bringing them Holy Communion and the Anointing of the Sick. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at times also bring Communion to the same. Parishioners who are hospitalized or in care facilities are regularly ministered to by chaplains assigned to these institutions.
Respect Life Group
Louise Johnson
This Group strives to bring awareness to all parishioners of the right to life of all persons, from conception to natural death. It sponsors baby shower of gifts for needy parents and for facilities which care for the newborn and their parents.
Non-Perishable Food Collection
Silvia Lawrence
The Parish collects non-perishable food stuffs, mainly canned goods, for delivery to local pantries. Donations may be placed in the basket in the Church vestibule.
Cura Ministry
Jen Haggarty & Diane Hochstuhl
Cura Ministry, St. Gabriel’s outreach group, is committed to serving the members of our parish community who may be experiencing hardship or grieving the loss of a loved one. We also honor and celebrate special life events such as new births, baptisms, and significant milestones.
As we grow, the Cura Ministry welcomes anyone interested in joining our group or volunteering your services to help those in our community. Please contact the Church Office if interested.
Andrew Friedman
Volunteers skilled in computer science offer assistance in helping with the proper maintenance and operation of the Parish systems.
Pastoral Council
Fr. Anthony
This Committee of parishioners, elected as well as appointed, assists in providing advice and counsel to the Pastor and Staff regarding the overall spiritual and pastoral mission of the Parish. It meets regularly.
Building/Maintenance Committee
Bill Brown & Val Schan
This volunteer Committee provides advice regarding the proper maintenance of the Parish’s buildings, property, and equipment. Members also provide practical help with repairs and installations.
Stewardship/Finance Council
Fr. Anthony & Fred Marenco
This Committee of parishioners, consisting of volunteers and appointed ones, provides assistance regarding the financial resources of the Parish. It also provides practical help in counting and banking donations. It meets regularly.
Witness Speakers
Fr. Anthony
Every year, the Parish strives to renew parishioners’ commitment to support and build up the Parish by giving of their time, talent, and treasure. The Pastor’s homily and the talks of parishioners seek to promote Christian stewardship.
Catholic Charities Appeal
Michael Finnegan
The Parish supports this Archdiocesan wide appeal to provide funding for the many charitable works of our local Church to assist the poor, elderly, and others in need. The Appeal is usually made by a direct mail campaign.